Thanks for all of your prayers and please continue. It has been a very scary 24 hours. Jennifer was losing blood rapidly and we couldn't find out the cause. Many of her stats were falling along with this and she was getting very pale. After an ultrasound and a ct scan, it was discovered that she had been bleeding internally and had a large blood clot. She had to go back into surgery where they were able to use the same incision to operate. They removed the clot and located and stopped the leaker. They also transfused her with four bags of blood. Jenn is now in the surgery ICU and will be monitored throughout the night and into tomorrow. Hopefully, this was the cause of the issues that she was having and we will see her stats improve. Already, her hemoglobin levels have increased and the color is returning to her face. Things are looking better, but please pray. Today was so scary.
Both babies continue to do great! We just need to get mommy better.
Here and Back
6 years ago
Yikes! Praise God babies are well and hopefully doctors were able to help Jennifer. Will continue praying!
We are covering you in prayer!
Hi Aaron and Jennifer! I've been following your blog through my friend Tracey Scholen's! First, your new babies are so beautiful! They look wonderful! I can really relate to what's happening to you as I developed preeclampsia and my twins came 6 weeks early via c-Section. I did so badly after the birth that, after seeing my boys for about 1 minute, I did not get to see them again for 48 hours. I still can hardly bear that thought, even 4 years later. But, after initially getting worse, I did get better and better every day. From my poor husband's perspective, his entire family was in the hospital! Anyway, I pumped milk for about 3 weeks and it was put right into the boys' formula at the hospital. When they came home at 3 weeks old, I only pumped another day or two and then switched to formula, for the sake of time. You will figure all of this out and it will all work out, even if your plan changes several times along the way! I'm praying for you! By the way, of course you would never choose a situation where you leave your babies at the hospital when you go home, but I will say that by the time my twins came home, I was almost fully recovered and refreshed, and every day they were in the hospital my husband and I learned so much about how to take care of them! And they came home on an established eating/sleeping schedule - you will be so grateful for this! Finally, all that weight I gained from the fluid from the pre-eclampsia went totally away in about 10 days. Again, your twins look absolutely precious! Take care, Shirley Isom
Sending prayers!!! Please keep us posted!!!
Congrats on the babies! They are adorable. Sending prayers for a quick recovery!
Scary! Praying that she will continue to improve!
So scary! You all are in my prayers!
Oh my goodness! Praise God they've found and fixed the problem. You'll all be in my prayers. The kids are adorable, by the way! Congratulations!
COngrats to both of you on your babies. Prayers for Jennifer. Please keep us posted.
i want to cry out of joy and then sadness. Dear Heavenly Father, please please just protect Jennifer and these precious babies. God -- You are Healer and we are expecting miracles. Amen.
Oh my! I hope Jennifer is doing better today. Very scary, indeed.
Oh my! We are praying for Jennifer and both babies. Thank you for the update.
Our family is praying for you all~ especially Jennifer. Your babies are so beautiful!
So scary, Aaron, I am so glad you are keeping us updated so we can continue to lift you all up in prayer.
Hugs to Jennifer.
Praying, praying, praying! I'm so sorry I've been MIA - I've been swamped on all levels, but know I think of you often!!! and I'm hoping to be back to being a better commenter!
still praying for all of you!
Praise GOD that the babies continue to do well and that the doctors were able to locate the clot and leak. Continued prayers being send your way....BTW - Able and Belle are just beautiful!
Thinking of all of you. I am glad to hear Jennifer is doing better now that the clot has been corrected.
Keep us posted when you can!
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