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Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Prayer for My Children

My daughter bit me yesterday. She had climbed onto the kitchen chair and as I was moving her, she screamed and bit my shoulder out of anger towards not getting her way.

This episode reminded me once again how desperately my 16 month old babies need Jesus to save them one day. Sin is rooted so deep in all of us as a result of Adam's sin and it even shows its ugly face in the lives of babes. Each day that I get up, I am aware that I am entering a battlefield - a war in the spiritual realm over the souls of my children. If I neglect to teach and discipline out of laziness or apathy, my children will bear the consequences of my decisions.

Give me both the grace and wisdom to discipline and teach my children well. May I never discipline out of anger or frustration, but only out of love and obedience to Your Word. Protect the souls of my little ones from the enemy. May I be a faithful steward in shepherding their little hearts. And please, please save both Abel and Belle as soon as your sovereign will allows. 
In Jesus' name, Amen."

1 comment:

Malia said...

What a magnificent prayer! I'll have to remember that same prayer once I'm a mommy :)