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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Missing SC

I've been having a little bit of a hard time in NC lately. I miss our family and friends in SC (and GA now too) very much. You'd think that only moving a state away wouldn't seem so strange, but it does and still doesn't feel like "home" yet. Aaron keeps reminding me that this isn't my "home" and that nowhere on earth should feel like it is home because God has set eternity in my heart. My heart yearns for heaven more than I realize and manifests itself through my longing for others. Each time that I think of a family member or friend whom I miss, I need to take that moment to thank God for saving me and so many of my loved ones so that one day, we will all be united in heaven where time and space will no longer create barriers between us.

And for those of you that aren't saved, please come to the cross today and find salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ so that you will also share heaven as your home one day!


Anonymous said...

Hey girl. Great post! i will continue to pray for you guys as you get settled in to your new place. Your post was a great reminder to me that our true home is in Eternity. Hope you guys are doing well!

Anonymous said...

HI! I'm glad i found your blog!! i miss you guys but am so glad to hear you're doing well and are where God has you and that you're faithfully following Him even when He's leading you through trials. :)