We have a contract on our first house and Lord willing, we will close in 30-40 days (right around the time of our embryo transfer)! We are very excited to become homeowners. :)
I had my follow-up call with Dr. K on Monday. He was very sorry that our embies didn't implant, but said that my body was perfect to receive them...they just didn't continue to grow and attach for unknown reasons. He said that there is nothing different that I need to do this next time around - no changes or adjustments in my meds (nor acupuncture or pineapple core - I asked him specifically about that!). It all comes down to God's sovereignty and His plan for the life of each embryo baby. All we can do is pray that the Lord would see fit to allow our next embies to attach to my uterus and continue growing.
Our embryo transfer is scheduled for Sunday, September 19th. I received my date and protocol today - it's basically the same as last time. I start Lupron on 8/22, 1st Ultrasound & Lab on 8/30, Start Estrace on 9/1, 2nd Ultrasound & Lab on 9/14, and begin PIO a few days prior to transfer.
Aaron and I discussed that if I had gotten pregnant from our July transfer, we would only be seeing each other mostly on the weekends which would have been really hard during early pregnancy (and my poor mother in law would have had to administer the PIO shots, which wouldn't have been fun for her, I'm sure!). So, this next time around would be better for a pregnancy - after we have closed on a house and will be back together everyday with a normal routine. I pray and hope that this is what God has in mind too.
Here and Back
6 years ago
His timing is perfect. I'm believing the best for you and Aaron. Congratulations on your new home! How exciting!
Phew! i love that you asked about acupuncture and pineapple cores and that he said no! ha ha!
I hope everything goes smoothly with your house closing!
It's good to know that your body was doing everything right--some embryos just don't make it.
Sometimes you wonder about timing--I hope this is the one for you!
I tell you I cannot say how many times I see God's protection over me down the road from heartache. I am grateful He allows us to it at times when He certainly does not have to! I am glad you will be closing on your home, that you have a new transfer date (btw, that was my mom's b-day), and you got to speak to Dr. K. Thank you for sharing. I know you had mentioned before your desire to remain more private, but I rejoice with you knowing you have another very special day coming up and it sounds like your body is ready for it! I am praying for you as DH is gone more, as you organize all the details of the move, and as you start comping down pineapple, (HA)! NOw as for acupuncture....It worked for me. I will be using it starting in October. Thanks again for keeping us posted. I check on you over here often! (((HUGS)))
Congratulations on your house! It sounds like September will be a busy and exciting month. We too are scheduled for the 19th. It sounds like everyone is converging on Knoxville on the same weekend!
Will be praying, thanks for sharing the date with us...I put it on my calendar. Krisa is right, his timing is perfect, Dr. K is right, your body is perfect.
Praying that the timing is perfect in God's eyes for both of us this time around!
Thinking of you!! I hope the next FET is the one! (((HUGS)))
It's so encouraging to read your posts.
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